
One of the foundations of successful dentistry is the professional cleaning. The philosophy of our practice stretches across all age groups with all of their different needs. Children and youths get the same individual treatment as our patients with periodontal disease, implants and prosthetics. Our expert assistants and dental hygienists set up individualized prophylaxis programs.

These include:

  • Advice and information concerning the appropriate methods for an effective home care
  • Professional cleaning, removal of hard and soft deposits as well as discolorations above and below the gum line, including polishing and fluoridating the teeth
  • Recording patient’s progress
  • Close monitoring of patients with periodontal disease
  • Shortened intervals for follow-up appointments during pregnancy and minimizing caries risk for children

Children and Youths

  • Playful and child-appropriate guidance toward health consciousness for their teeth
  • Early caries detection with laser, without x-ray
  • Determining caries risk through bacteria tests
  • Pit and fissures sealants

We offer a recall system for patients who wish to be reminded when their next cleaning is due. Appointments are generally 60 minutes.