Dentistry has changed tremendously in the past few years. In almost all branches of dentistry – be it implantation, restorative or orthodontic dentistry – new, gentler methods have established themselves next to the tried and true methods known up to now. The continuous development of these innovative therapies and technology helps in deciding which treatment is the right one for the patient.
This can lead to one patient being recommended different solutions by different dentists or orthodontists, leading to a noticeable difference in the estimated cost and amount of time required.
Often patients find it too overwhelming to judge whether the suggested treatment is really the right one. In many cases it makes sense to get a second opinion by either a dentist or orthodontist. We offer those patients who are undecided or unsure about the suggested treatment to come to us for a complete consultation and second opinion in our practice.
Consult us about a second opinion, we will be happy to help you!